Saturday, December 5, 2020

Changes To My Study Programme

 This post is not easy at all because from the start we can think it´s very simple to see problems about the faculty and career (Biochemistry) and give answers. However, thinking about how to achieve that change make everything more complicated.

Notwithstanding that, I will share my opinion with you about some points that should be change, in a decreasing order of relevance.

In first place, I think the curriculum should undergo innovations because requirements on the 2nd and 3rd year of the career are very dangerous. For example, if you fail a subject like Chemical physics then you must be delayed a complete year of university and the same happens on next years. Another problem is you begin to know about you career during your 3rd year because at that point you start having courses with closer relationship to your future work.

In second place, teaching methods and the way that classes are made should be reformed because during more than a century the innovation on education are minimum. We need new forms to teach, with more questions, working groups and a closer relationship between students and professors.

A third place is for structure, the truth is in my faculty we haven´t space, every year the room and laboratories are fuller because the student cohort increases.

I think we need to change more things, but my priority at this moment are those 3.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I totally agree with you that the burden of failing in the second or third year is tremendous which causes a lot of stress. And on the second point, many people leave the career without really knowing it because the real introduction is very late.

  3. aaaah I very much agree with you on everything, GOD we really need space

  4. It is true, subjects like Physicochemistry delay you too much and that generates greater stress. Besides, it is not an easy subject xD

  5. Wow, it's true, i really agree with you


English Language Challenges

Hi, finally this is my last post here and that´s mean I´m very close to my desired holidays yaay. Thinking about my experience during thes...