Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A country I would Like To Visit

Hi everione, my name is Gonzalo Quiñones, i´m on my second year of biochemistry and this blog will be a space to share personal information about me and my opinion on different things as one you can see on the title of this post.
So, if I must choose one country that I´d like to visit, my first option would be Switzerland because that will consider studies, culture and geography. Actually I know this country mainly from CERN laboratory (European Organization for Nuclear Research), the incredible discovers that happens here are amazing (at least for me).

In addition of that, I have two mainly reasons about what I want to do in Switzerland:

In first place, I would like to study and research in some Switzerland university as It's a country with a high I+D (Investigation and Development) more the network of European universities and higher education policy.
In second place, I would like to know different places bound to science like CERN on Geneva or cultural and historical buildings as the University of Geneva or Zurich, different medieval castles or all Berna. Furthermore, stay in a country that is part of European Union will let me travel to different countries, for example, using the famous Eurail system.

I think that's all folks, see you next week.

English Language Challenges

Hi, finally this is my last post here and that´s mean I´m very close to my desired holidays yaay. Thinking about my experience during thes...